Monday, July 18, 2005

Originally uploaded by uka.

So sorry for unclear picture. This is the Big Issue which I talked bout on my recent posts. Can you see the White Bands around those two arms??
Yuri told me that White Band sold in Japan is different from those sold in Australia. Yea, our White Band have the print says 'MAKE POVERTY HISTORY'. Yuri said Japanese ones dont have that print on them. I think it might be because Japanese people are not used to show such slogan. The White Band which doesnt have the clear slogan on it will be more acceptable for Japanese people, I guess. Maybe easier to wear for them. Bcuz I cant imagine gals who are carryig LV bags wear the White Bands with the print 'MAKE POVERTY HISTORY'! But most of my friends are not that kind and they might not me bothered with the print, I think. They would buy the printed ones if they were in Australia.
I even think it is queer that such big number of Japanese people rush to get the White Band. Its is rare to see this kind of movement -the movement to change this world- in Japan, so I think the change of the design of the White Band was a good idea. The change may result this heated up concern with poverty.


Blogger CCoder said...

I saw that bands in live8 shows...

I think that if someone really wants to knock-down poverty, won't care about what is wearing.
"Make poverty history" is a good slogan, and i wouldn't be embarassed using it.
I saw greenpeace guys dressed like toilets. That's conviction. They don't care how they look, cause they are sure of what they're doing.

Question: what is LV?

11:06 pm  
Blogger スロ / Bernat said...

Louis Vuiton (Louis?) (Luís Vuiton para los amigos hahahahaha)

4:40 am  
Blogger Uly said...

I like you and Yoko's picture more than the Big Issues! LOL. I have just checked a Japanese site of the White Band, and I am happy to know that instead of the slogan, we, Japanese version has three snow flakes-like prints *** on it, and the three*** stand for the important meaning that 'IN EVERY THREE SECONDS, a child dies one after another around the world because of poverty, so let's be aware of the fact'. Let's keep our wish 'Make Poverty History', and spread it around the world^^!

12:14 am  

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