Cute duckey babies =)

Look @ these cute stuffs!!!! A mommy duck and her chicks!!! I found em @ another metro campus of my uni in Perth.
I went to this campus for a sports event. Residents in my student village and residents in this student village played some sports together ;) I was supposed to join it, but the one I was supposed to play was cancelled bcuz of lack of players... anyway I enjoyed the event, and felt very happy to meet this cute duck family!!
When I wrote my last post, I was sort of sick, and guess what? Im still sick!!
Actualy I havnt been feeling sick for such a long time. I mean, I almost recovered from the sickness. Then the next one has started! This one is more evil than previous one, and it bothers my sleep ;(( Thats really suck!! Sleeping is one of my pleasures in my life....
Oh!! Speaking of pleasure, I found new TimTam on Sat! Its TimTam Ball, and like Japanese Choco-ball. Its..Its.... yummyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Awww I love it!!!! Its my new fave ;)) Hey hey is this coming to Japan?? I wanna have this when I return to Japan too :D
Anyway.... my second sickness seems almost gone, hopefully!!
I hope I can write long 'This and that' soon!!
Playing sports sick could be dangerous... I understand what you say, cause i've got similar sickness.
Take care...
I am gonna pack stuff to send you a parcel on this weekend cz I went to the EXPO in Aichi today! I had a good day there!
Te quiero,
Hey, these ducks were really cute and I remember that u were really excited to see them!! ha ha
That sports event was also fun for me...but we just watched games so I felt a bit cold....
r u feeling better now?? I hope u will recover from sick soon =)
ha ha, Tim Tam ball was yummy, that's easier to eat than usual one, i guess...anyway, dont eat too much!! hee heee
I love baby ducks! Right now, all the ducks are flying south in Canada . . . it's almost winter!
thank u 4 ur comment!! hmmm, i dont think he still likes me...cos i havent heard from him any more...
if he does, i wont let him be my boyfriend, i think...i dont know..anyway, i dont think he has enough strength to keep long-distance love...
yeah, actually i wanted to be with him whatever the purpose he visits me...but i cant stand any more
i dont wanna be hurt any more...i think it better to forget him..hmmm,as u know, i still like him and it will take long time to forget him...but i will try =)
thank u so much 4 ur advice!!
hm,yeah,keeping "long-distance love" is really tough thing...but just give it a try....and u guys will see....
but enjoy being with him now!! all u can do is to have fun with him during u r in australia
Less blog entries from you these days, busy? :)
long time without having news about you... gave up on blogging??
anyway, i've a question:
your profile pic, is a dog eating ice-cream??? looks like that...
too bad you'll leave Perth...
so you will be back at Osaka?
maybe, its a bit too dificil for me to promise with other international students to hang around together... Im not sure though. It is going to rain... you know, I really have this very strong ability? to cause rain... Im a rainy girl, you remember?? damn...
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