Saturday, May 21, 2005

Great 21st Birthday!!!

Thank you for ya birthday wishes!!!! I had a really great birthday with my friends here. At night on 17th, I was on MSN and chatting with my friend in China, but when the clock showed it was after 12am, someone knocked on my door. WhenI opened the door....
my friends were coming with birthday cake!!!!
I was sooooooo surprised!!!! and I was not wearing makeup(This is only my regret at that time..) Anyway, they celebrated my birthday*** That was so sweet!!! Also my sharemates came to my place to give presents to me^^ ohhhh what a happy gal I am!!!! Yah, I thought I was the happiest gal... was overwhelmed with thanks for everyone!!! :D I put all birthday cards on the wall in my room☆ and again, thank you for ya birthday wishes on my blog!! Uka turned 21, and will keep blogging this and that for this 1year (as my 21st year) too!

P.S. Yoko.M, thank you for ya bday message on my blog, but I am sorry I do not know ya email address.... so can you email me?? I hope to hear from you soon!!

Baby rush!!!!!!!!

18th was my birthday, and 19th and 20th were my friends birthdays!! There are many May babies here!! and on 25th, its Saki.I's birthday!! Let me celebrate ya birthday in advance!! Happy 21st Birthday!!!!!

Interesting website

I found an interesting website about hunger;
I checked it briefly, though! If ya interested, visit the site^^


Blogger スロ / Bernat said...

Now is the day! Have a good birthday party and so on.

3:48 pm  

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